Renewable Energy

Preliminary Design for Adding a 200MW Wind Farm

Completed this project as part of Power Systems Engineering class. The goal of the project was to make recommendations on the least cost design for the construction of new lines and transformers to ensure that the transmission system adequate for any base case or first contingency loading situation when the wind farm is installed and operating at its maximum output of 200MW. The wind farm was be modeled with Type 3 DFIG (doubly-fed induction generators, and as a single, equivalent traditional PV bus generator with an output of 200 MW, a voltage setpoint of 1.05 per unit, and with reactive power limits of ± 100 Mvar.

Proposing LoRaWAN backbone for a Future Smart-Grid

Presented about using LoRaWAN and the potential of it in a tightly integrated future smart-grid.

Solar Energy Harvester For a Water Meter

Sponsored by Xylem and completed as my Senior Design Project. Designed a custom PCB that resulted in a 73% smaller enclosure and $500K savings for 5M units, while exceeding most original requirements set by the company by at least 100%.